Personal support for the most important relationship of your life.
Want to know what makes a legendary marriage?
If you’re like I was as a newlywed, you think back on your wedding with a stupid grin, you absolutely LOVE being married, and 90% of the time you’re pretty sure you won the jackpot with your husband.
Being a newlywed is actually really fun, exciting, and surprisingly BUSY.
You care deeply about being a good wife, building a good marriage, and creating a strong and loving foundation for your future family.
Maybe that’s you, too.
But if you’re like I was, you also have the other 10% going on…
You try to self-control your way to acting like a good wife should, and end up feeling super burned out and resentful.
You’re constantly gauging whether your in-laws accept you and what they think of you.
There’s a constant low-level hum of annoyance with his choices, values, or general behavior (hello dirty dishes everywhere).
You don’t know how to get him to offer what you need, respect your boundaries, and understand your love language.
You’re secretly nervous about potentially bringing children into this marriage until you KNOW that it’s for good.
But since everything is mostly great, you’re not really sure anything needs to change. Maybe you just need to get used to it.
Maybe this is just the newlywed transition. Maybe everyone goes through this.
Trust me, I get it.
But here’s the thing…
I want so much more for you than to stay married.
I want your marriage to be legendary. For you and for your husband, but also for your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
What if I told you that it’s not about building on the 90% positive that will take you from “fine” to “spectacular?”
It’s not about “being a good wife” and “acting supportive and loving.”
It's not about teaching him how to be a better husband, either.
The key to an amazing marriage is actually in that juicy 10% of negative emotion.
It's where the real work happens. And when we shed light on those challenges instead of ignoring them and pushing them away, those scary-closet-shadow-monsters are a snap to manage.
Maybe it feels like this is all overkill.
After all, you’re so busy now.
And being married is really fun almost all of the time.
And anyway shouldn’t you just be able to work it out on your own?
Here’s the thing my friend. Please take it from me, 10 years and 4 kids down the line, not to mention over a hundred clients so much like you...
You don’t get more time.
Yes, newlywed life is busy. And exciting. And you want to do all the things.
But it’s also the most important time to invest in your marriage.
It’s a chance to set up patterns and behaviors that will become your normal for the rest of your life.
It's pretty simple, and hugely powerful.
I'm with you every step of the way as you master the material that will change your marriage forever. This program is custom tailored for women in their first five years to have the biggest, longest-lasting impact in the shortest amount of time.
You get the personal guidance you need to apply this material in real time in YOUR marriage, with your specific scenarios and questions.
Three months of weekly 1:1 Coaching (50 minutes via Zoom)
The full First Year Married Online Course
Regular check-ins through WhatsApp or email
The support, confidence, and love you want to feel, every day
Your investment is $3,000.

Who is this course for?This course is for newly married Jewish women who have been married for at least a month by the course start date. This will give you time to calm down from the excitement of the wedding and have the headspace to focus on the course!
What is the schedule?This program was designed to make sure that no matter what your schedule you'll get what you need. Each week you'll get access to the next class in the course so altogether it'll take you a minimum of 8 weeks to work through the course. I went back and forth on whether to just give you full access off the bat, but I think that taking a week to digest and apply the material will truly take this from an intellectual exercise to something that makes a real-life impact on your marriage. You have access to the material and community for as long as I continue to run this program.
What if I’m not in my first year of marriage anymore?This course is designed to be a space where we can focus on the transition that is unique to newlyweds, so that will always be my focus and priority. AND... according to Rabbi Akiva Tatz, shana rishona now takes 10 years to “accomplish” what it once took only one! If you’re still in a newlywed headspace (or interested in revisiting it), you’re welcome to join. Many women tell me they feel they missed out on shana rishona (work/school schedules, difficult life events, Corona, to name a few) and I fully believe you can re-do shana rishona whenever you're ready. Because this course is the storehouse for the best of all my research and coaching experience about marriage, many women choose to take the course despite being married for much longer. I think that's a beautiful thing. If you're a married Jewish woman who's looking for more general life coaching, The Glow Community is the place for you!
I’m getting married really really soon! Can't I just start already?Trust me, you have enough on your mind right now just getting ready for your wedding and settling into your new life. As much as I’d love to work with you right away, I know the best thing for YOU is to use this course AFTER the initial flurry of excitement has calmed and you’re in more of a “real world” life situation. Join us when you've hit (at least) your one month anniversary!
Things are going great so far– do I really need this course?This course is about having the best marriage possible. For some women, that means dealing with some bigger struggles, and for others it’s more about fine-tuning and dreaming big. With that said, sometimes it’s not the marriage itself but everything ELSE that could use some attention– your work life or the in-laws or money–that you would like to work on. If the description is resonating with you and you are excited to invest in your marriage, I recommend you sign up.
What if I already took the First Year Married Course?While the main topics are the same, this is a totally updated and redesigned version of FYM, gaining from my experience over the last several years of teaching this material and working closely with married women. There's also a brand new masterclass on Communication and an online community. If you're up for another round, I’d love to have you join us again! (If you have taken THIS version of the course--starting Winter 2024 and on--you have lifetime access. For any trouble accessing the course, just reach out through the contact form on this site or by email.)
How long will I have access to the course?You have access to the course for as long as I'm running the program. (In the internet world, that's called "lifetime access.") Though I'm not currently planning on it, if I ever choose to take it down, I will make sure you have plenty of notice to work through or review any material you need.
I’m not a newlywed but I love this coaching stuff. Is this for me?If you’re not a newlywed, I recommend you check out my advanced coaching community, How to Glow, where we use this material to grow and improve in all aspects of our lives as married Jewish women. (However, if you're wanting to get all my best research and tools for marriage, you can always start here--or with both!)
Will this program work with my internet filter?This program works with most filters, sometimes with some inital setup (ie, asking for certain sites to be opened). If you can access this page, you should be fine. You'll also get access to a call-in number where you can listen to the classes by phone.
Does my enrollment include my husband?There is something very powerful about working on your marriage on your own–it allows you to see your own behavior and reality in a new way, which is why this is not designed to be a couples’ program. However, you absolutely can share what you're learning, your takeaways, or simply use the ideas as conversation starters with your husband!
Is this course only for Orthodox Jewish women?This course is built upon a Torah framework of marriage with aligned outside sources from both the marriage and coaching worlds. I believe that marriage is both a tremendous gift AND a place for personal development--which means personal satisfaction is not always the #1 goal. Women from any level of observance are welcome to join the program. If you're unsure if you will feel comfortable or the values are aligned with yours, feel free to reach out through the contact form on the site and I'll do my best to help you make the right decision for you.
Can I give the course as a gift to someone?Absolutely! When you go to the payment page, you'll be given the option to send the course as a gift. Way to go on being an awesome gift-giver!
I’m a kallah teacher/Rebbetzin/seminary teacher and I’m on board with your mission! How can I help?Thank you! Please help by spreading the word to your former students, email lists, and WhatsApp groups–wherever you communicate! If you’d like a flyer, you can reach out to jessie@kaylalevin.com for something easy to send.
I’m a kallah teacher/Rebbetzin/seminary teacher and I want to learn this material so I can teach it to my kallahs. Can I take the course?Absolutely! I’d be honored to have you in the course, but please hear me out on one thing–it’s so so so important that women are given the message that the main work happens AFTER they are married. You know better than I do how distracted and idealistic a kallah is. It’s very hard to truly believe all this material will be personally relevant. Once they are “in the ring” and dealing with the day-to-day realities, they can apply this work on a whole new level (plus, they aren’t left feeling like they failed because they didn’t get a picture perfect happily-ever-after right off the bat!). I leave it to your judgment what to include in your classes, what to “tease,” and what not to–and I hope you’ll encourage your kallahs to plan to take this course as a first step into a lifetime of growth and learning about improving her shalom bayis.