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Episode 185 - Sefira & Personal Growth with Ruchi Koval

Updated: Feb 6

I'm writing up this post in my pre-Pesach prep. You'll get it "on the other side." So I'm not only currently imagining the seder (and all the things that it will take to get there) but also you, unwinding (hopefully! maybe more accurately--recovering) and what you might want right now.

What occurred to me is that for personal development junkies like us, sefira is kind of our time. It's the time where we put our awareness on different traits and check on how well they are integrated and serving us to be our best selves.

So I invited Ruchi Koval to speak to us about how to realistically bring these ideas into our lives.

How does the focus on the different traits we look at during sefiras haomer help us when it comes to our growth and our marriages?

Ruchi says, "It is the blending of the opposites that creates a sum that is greater than its parts... so I have achieved balance when I have integrated what about my spouse is different from me and can help me to become a more balanced person?"


  1. Achieving balance

  2. Self-development as a path to spirituality

  3. Character traits are inherently neutral

  4. How self-development impacts relationships

  5. Effort vs. results

  6. Conflict as a starting point for personal growth


Ruchi's Bio:

Ruchi Koval is the co-founder and Associate Director of Congregation JFX, an innovative kiruv community in Cleveland, Ohio. She has been a Jewish educator for two decades, leading self-development mussar groups for adults and teens, and mentoring educators around the world. Ruchi is a certified parenting coach, motivational speaker, musician, author, and mother. She is a Trip Leader for Momentum, inspiring hundreds of women on their journeys in Israel. She is also the author of two books: "Conversations with God" and “Soul Construction.” Find Ruchi on Instagram, on her blog at, on Meaningful Minute, and via her podcasts. Download her “Ruchi Koval” app to listen to many of her lectures online, or join a zoom class yourself!


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