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Coffee on Desk

The First Year Married Course is Now LIVE and better than ever!

In our mission to help as many Jewish newlyweds as we can, we’ve given First Year Married a major makeover! Now you’ll have access to live classes, ten weeks (!) of support, and an amazing community as you learn how to create a strong foundation for an amazing marriage. PLUS my brand new MASTERCLASS on Communication! 

Registration opens October. Built for any schedule.

The First Year
Married Program

In this program, you’ll be learning new ways of looking at your marriage, at men, and at love. You’ll also have a chance to send in your questions and get live support! I am so happy to have you here and to get to share this material with you.


Master Your Mind

This is where you’ll learn the main tool that will shift your entire experience of your relationship and help you harness the good to make it even better.


Beliefs & a New Model

You’ve been observing your thoughts and the results they are creating, now is the fun part where we deal with the question, “what if I don’t like what my brain keeps telling me?”


But His Socks Are Still on The Floor

In this class, you’re going to get some major lightbulb moments about what makes your husband DO all that STUFF that drives you crazy! (Plus some amazing perks to being married to a man that you might not even realize!)


Shana Rishona

In this class you’ll find out how to design your first year of marriage to maximize the potential of this year and build a solid foundation to your home.


Love It All Up

This week’s class is all about intimacy and unconditional love. I’ll share with you a new way of looking at your connection that will remove the stress or awkwardness so you can focus on truly sharing your love.



Bringing it back to thought work, we learn some new information that will give us a new perspective on a very common feeling in many relationships… resentment! Find out why resentment is actually an amazing tool for your own personal growth.

07 Brand New!

Communication Masterclass

You don’t need to learn this the hard way! Find out what to do when he’s hurt your feelings, what encourages men to communicate more, what to do when you need to unload, and how to create goal clarity as a couple.

"I can not recommend Kayla and this course enough! I want every couple to have access to this information and her way of teaching"
"Kayla offers you incredibly helpful and wise relationship advice that is evidence based. She delivers the information in a super digestible way. There is no question that is off limits. No judgement, no shaming, no embarrassment. The classes are helpful and EMPOWERING and fun! Even if your relationship is already great, she helps you empower yourself to see how it could be even better and stronger. You will not regret signing up!"
Course Participant
  • Who is this course for?
    This course is for newly married Jewish women who have been married for at least a month by the course start date. This will give you time to calm down from the excitement of the wedding and have the headspace to focus on the course!
  • What is the schedule?
    This program was designed to make sure that no matter what your schedule you'll get what you need. Each week Kayla will be posting freshly recorded content for you in the First Year Married newlywed community. You'll also have access to submit questions either before or live during two Q&A calls. If you can't make those two calls, no problem, you'll get the recordings.
  • What if I’m not in my first year of marriage anymore?
    According to Rabbi Akiva Tatz, shana rishona now takes 10 years to “accomplish” what it once took only one! If you’re still in a newlywed headspace, focusing on building your marriage, you’re welcome to join. Just note that we will not be coaching on topics that are not newlywed-specific (ie, parenting issues, unless one of you came into the marriage with children).
  • I’m getting married really really soon! (Or even during the course!) Can I sign up?
    Trust me, you have enough on your mind right now just getting ready for your wedding and settling into your new life. As much as I’d love to work with you right away, I know the best thing for you is to use this course AFTER the initial flurry of excitement has calmed and you’re in more of a “real world” life situation. Join us for the next round and you’ll get 1000% more out of it!
  • Things are going great so far– do I still need this course?
    This course is about having the best marriage possible. For some women, that means dealing with some bigger struggles, and for others it’s more about fine-tuning and dreaming big. With that said, sometimes it’s not the marriage itself but everything else that could use some attentionshifts– your work life or the in-laws or money–that you would like to work on. If the material is resonating with you and you are excited to invest in your marriage, I recommend you sign up.
  • Will we be talking about parenting?
    While I love using coaching to work on our own parenting and personal growth in my advanced coaching community How to Glow, this program is not the place for it. Let’s make this space special by really honing in on JUST building your relationship. Trust me, there’s nothing better you could do for your kids! (One caveat: if either of you came into the marriage with children, that is absolutely something you can ask questions about!)
  • What if I already took the First Year Married Course?
    While the main topics are the same, this will be a totally updated version of FYM, gaining from my experience over the last several years of teaching this material and working closely with married women. Plus we’ll have a brand new class on Communication, and the benefit of live classes and an online community. I’d love to have you join us again!
  • How long will I have access to the course?
    The course runs for 9 weeks, and you will have an extra week at the end to catch up or re-watch any material. Self-paced courses don’t work for most brains, so we’re keeping the timeframe limited to give everyone an extra push to stay with the group and keep up the momentum, instead of letting the classes fizzle on your to-do list where they won’t be of much help to anyone!
  • I’m not a newlywed but I love this coaching stuff. Is this for me?
    If you’re not a newlywed, I recommend you check out my advanced coaching community, How to Glow, where we use this material to grow and improve in all aspects of our lives as married Jewish women.
  • Do I need access to social media to participate in the community?
    Nope! Our community is run on the Kajabi platform, which does not require a connection to any social media account.
  • Will this program work with my internet filter?
    This program works with most filters, sometimes with some inital setup (ie, asking for certain sites to be opened). If you can access this page, you should be fine. If your filter doesn’t allow access, we can send you a Google Drive file of each week’s course. Please reach out to and let her know you’ll be needing that. (Please do not request this unless you truly have a filter issue.)
  • Does my enrollment include my husband?
    There is something very powerful about working on your marriage on your own–it allows you to see your own behavior and reality in a new way, which is why this is not designed to be a couples’ program. With that said, many women have found it beneficial to share the worksheets with their husbands because they were so excited about the material.
  • Is this course only for Orthodox Jewish women?
    This course was inspired by the Jewish idea of “shana rishona” and I have a tendency to quote some pretty awesome Rabbis from time to time. However, the content of the course is based primarily on my experience with my clients, thought work from my training under Brooke Castillo, training at the Refuah Institute, and many marriage courses and books I have taken and studied over the years. We have a broad range of backgrounds but as I am an Orthodox Jewish woman, this will always be my strongest point of reference and a large portion of the participants are also frum women. One other point on this… This material is here to help you with your OWN values and priorities, so I won’t be telling you how you should act or what the role of a wife is. (Nor is there any halacha–this is not a kallah class.) That is entirely individual and will vary from person to person. This course is about helping you to become the wife YOU want to be, and have the best possible marriage. On your terms, not mine. Make sense?
  • Can I give the course as a gift to someone?
    Absolutely! Just register here and you'll get a personalized coupon code that she can use to set up her account and join the program. Way to go on being an awesome gift-giver!
  • What does “pay what you can” mean?
    The price of this course is $180, but we want this material to be available to all newlyweds, not just those who can afford a premium program like this. (We were pretty broke as newlyweds, so maybe that’s why this is important to us!) I encourage you to pick a number that you feel great about and pay that. You shouldn’t be worrying about buying groceries because you paid the full price here.
  • What if I can’t even afford the $36 minimum?
    Email and she will try to set you up with a sponsor. (PS, many of our members have found that their parents are THRILLED to offer this course as a gift!)
  • I’d love to sponsor someone who can’t pay! How do I do that?
    Thank you! Email and let her know. We’ll only ask you to pay for a kallah if and when we have someone who requested it.
  • Can I get this course as a gift for someone else?
    Absolutely! When you go to sign up, just put in HER name and email. I also recommend shooting her an email to make sure she got it. I hope we have a more streamlined option in the pipeline, but so far this seems to work great! If you have any trouble, you can always email me at and I’ll make sure she gets set up.
  • I’m a kallah teacher/Rebbetzin/seminary teacher and I’m on board with your mission! How can I help?
    Thank you! Please help by spreading the word to your former students, email lists, and WhatsApp groups–wherever you communicate! If you’d like a flyer, you can reach out to for something easy to send!
  • I’m a kallah teacher/Rebbetzin/seminary teacher and I want to learn this material so I can teach it to my kallahs. Can I take the course?
    Absolutely! I’d be honored to have you in the course, but please hear me out on one thing–it’s so so so important that women are given the message that the main work happens AFTER they are married. You know better than I do how distracted and idealistic a kallah is. It’s very hard to truly believe all this material will be personally relevant. Once they are “in the ring” and dealing with the day-to-day realities, they can apply this work on a whole new level (plus, they aren’t left feeling like they failed because they didn’t get a picture perfect happily-ever-after right off the bat!). I leave it to your judgment what to include in your classes, what to “tease,” and what not to–and I hope you’ll encourage your kallahs to plan to take this course as a first step into a lifetime of growth and learning about improving her shalom bayis!

Got more questions?

If you have other questions do not hesitate to be in touch.

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